3 Things Auto Dealers Should Do to Attract Local Buyers

Attracting new local customers are the lifeblood of most auto dealerships. Within the highly competitive marketplace, it’s important to continuously attract new members.

Here are some recommended tips to improve your bottom line…

  1. Focus on organic SEO – improve the messaging and content of your dealership. Make sure your copy includes keywords for the brands and models your business offers. Post regular “how to” or tip-related blog posts that focus on auto financing, maintenance, tech, etc.
  2. Offer specials and competitive rates. Anything from “free oil changes” to “customer appreciation deals” will help drive sales. Don’t ignore your existing customers. Offer them a chance to earn rewards or gifts for referring new members.
  3. Be Social. Social Media including Facebook and Instagram are great platforms to increase your followers and share unique content. Be consistent with your messaging and brand identity and boost your popular posts to attract more followers.

(Photo by why kei on Unsplash )